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What Is A Clinical Medical Assistant?
Clinical medical assistants help hospitals, doctor’s offices, and other medical facilities run smoothly by performing a wide variety of tasks, both administrative and patient-facing. A clinical medical assistant is a medical assistant whose role has a greater degree of focus on directly assisting doctors and nurses perform patient care, and less emphasis on clerical work. Find out more and how you can start your career in healthcare with PCI.
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Common Procedures Medical Assistants Help Perform
Common Procedures Medical Assistants Help Perform – Medical assistants are more than just administrative workers. They assist with many types of important medical procedures. We summarize common medical assistant job duties and how you can start the journey to becoming a medical assistant at PCI.
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What Is Four-handed Dentistry?
Four-handed dentistry has become the standard operating model in dental practices worldwide. In four-handed dentistry, a dentist and a dental assistant work as a single cohesive unit. In this article, we’ll explain the principles of four-handed dentistry for those who are considering dental assisting as a career.
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Healthcare Jobs You Can Get Without a Degree
Many people looking for a better career dismiss the idea of pursuing opportunities in healthcare because they think that it would require spending years of time and large amounts of money on getting a degree. In fact, however, there is demand for jobs in the healthcare field, such as medical assistant, that don’t require a college degree. Let’s explore.
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What Do You Learn In Dental Assisting School?
Before you get a dental assistant job, you need to start with training in a dental assisting program. So, what exactly will you learn during your time in dental assisting school? Let’s explore.
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